Emile Coue Method and 4 Unusual Suggestions

This article is about a Emile Coue method: ”Conscious Autosuggestion”. If you want to read his biography as well check out the link: Emile Coue Biography

Known as the creator of positive thinking, Emile Coue has inspired many therapy methods, including cognitive-behavioral therapy with this Coue method, he developed. In this article, we will examine the basic principles and historical process of this method. At the same time, the Emile Coue method has come under many criticisms. We will look at these criticisms together.

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Emile Coue developed the method of self-suggestion also known as the Coue method. The Coue method inspired so many people especially in America and the UK, it also inspired many psychologists and psychiatrists, but it received criticism later in the future. Emile Coue is one of the creators of positive thinking. It is based on positive thinking where you focus on thoughts or affirmations that are likely to be helpful to you personally. One example would be “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better”. The technique aims at training your subconscious mind through the repetition of this sentence.

Autosuggestion Laws

The Coue method has two basic theoretical principles.

1- )All suggestion is autosuggestion.
2- )Internal conflict occurs between the will and imagination, but the imagination is always stronger. (q.v., Coué, 1923: 19)

1- Concentrate and Attention

Conscious autosuggestions must repeat with mental focus, and with certainty and faith.

2- Auxiliary Emotion Law

“When, for one reason or another, an idea is enveloped in a powerful emotion, that is more likely that this idea will be suggestively realized.” (Baudouin, 1920: 114).

“Negative ideas stick in our minds because of the powerful emotions attached to them, especially the emotion of fear.”

3- The Law of Reversed Effort

“When an idea imposes itself on the mind to such an extent as to give rise to a suggestion, all the conscious efforts which the subject makes to counteract this suggestion are not merely without the desired effect, but they run counter to the subject’s conscious wishes and tend to intensify the suggestion.” (Baudouin, 1920: 116).

4- The Law of Subconscious Teleology

“When the end has been suggested the subconscious finds means for its realisation.” (Baudouin, 1920: 117).

Important: Emile Coué’ in 1923, he wrote “My Method” To access the link: “My Method

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Emile Coue method of Conscious Autosuggestion

  • The General Method

“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” You should repeat this at least 20 times every single night, eyes closed as to make one relaxed before drifting off to sleep. Coué even suggests using a rosary to count the repetitions, a practice similar to the mantra yoga of Indians. However, he shrewdly adds the caveat, “Say it as many times as you like; just don’t let it become an obsession.” (My Method: 148)

  • The Specific Method.

I advise English-speaking people to stick to the French version: it being much easier to say “ça passe” quickly than the longer and more awkward expression “it is passing” or “it is going.” (Coué, My Method, 1923: 31)

The Law of Converted (Reversed) Effort

Voluntary effort presupposes the idea of resistance. It comprises both action and reaction. The two notions are simultaneously resent at the moment of the effort. If then (and this is a matter of the first importance), I concentrate voluntary attention on an idea, which implies my making an effort, I am simultaneously conscious of action toward this idea, and of resistance in consequence of which the idea continually tends to escape me, so that I must unceasingly recall my wandering attention.  (Baudouin, 1920: 123)

Source: ukhypnosis.com


The author claims that our brain consists of two parts: conscious(will) and subconscious(imagination). The subconscious brain is the more powerful one of the two and has the power to control our actions through our thoughts. If we can influence our thoughts, and thus our subconsciousness, we can influence and change our actions in a way we want to.

Joseph Knecht 

Even more in depth practical examples can be found in Marisa Peer’s work whom is world renowned nowadays for her RTT method. It is definitely a fascinating field!


Want to learn about more theories and methods like the Coue method? You can check here out.

Last Updated on December 10, 2022 by Lucas Berg


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